The Warehouse Theatre is owned and run by Ilminster Entertainments Society, a registered charity and everyone generously works as a volunteer to keep the Theatre running and to put on performances.
Do you have a few hours to spare a week? We are in need of extra volunteers to help run the theatre on a day-to-day basis. Volunteering is a great way to get involved, meet new people, gain work experience, and feel part of the community.
There are numerous jobs that need to be covered when running the theatre. We are looking for volunteers to:
Help with the treasurer in bookkeeping
Help run the bar on show nights and somebody to manage the bar and keep it stocked
Manage the fundraising team to help the theatre raise funds for the Old Bakery project to be completed and support the fabric of the theatre buildings
Front-of-house staff on show nights, everything from the box office, teas, ice creams, and selling programs
Wardrobe - we want help managing and organising our extensive range of costumes in our wardrobe department
Help set-building
Help with general maintenance
Most importantly for a theatre, we are looking for actors (of all ages) to tread the boards. We sometimes find it difficult to cast the plays, so if you have ever acted, or wanted to please ensure the theatre has your email. When we hold auditions, anyone is welcome to come along and try for parts.
We are also looking for Directors and Producers for productions for the future and all other jobs to help run our theatre.
If you know anyone or have some spare time to help with any of the above jobs at the theatre and would like to be part of the team, please message us your details on the contact page or email Giuseppina on iesfrontofhouse@gmail.com